Sunday, July 04, 2004

the big bang

the clappers, the ooh-ers, the ah-ers, the criers, the shhh-ers. to paraphrase jon stewart, the celebration of the day of our independence from england and their dependence on us. i thought one thing as i watched the display of colors and decibel levels flash across the sky at manhattan's cico park tonight. that one thing was simply this: there needs to be an awards ceremony for fireworks. my nutty brain therefore gives awards tonight in the following categories:
most patriotic firework: the one with the star in the middle of a regular firework
most mob-like firework: the one that shoots, then splits off and runs - ironically, the ones who also work and look best in group settings
most confused firework: the one that is half one color and half another
most bling-bling firework: the real sparkley one that poofs and crackles at the end
most drunk firework: the weeping willow one
most conceded firework: the just booming one - it thinks it's so cool because it doesn't have to do anything else but get attention
most multitasking firework: the tri-color, "work within a work," weeping willow, strobe light one - also my favorite
if you would like to add your own awards to the list, please feel free to do so. feel free to comment on any interesting formations of mosquito bites on your body as well. i have no fun formations to report as of yet, but will keep you posted as the bites reveal themselves to me. side note - i saw atchison ks's fireworks on television. they must be a jewish community because that was definitely the festival of lights. i should go there next year - anybody with me?

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