Sunday, February 04, 2007

like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...

first of all, i cannot for the life of me figure out why a sample "label" for any post according to would logically be "scooters," when the other sample options are "vacation," or "fall," but i guess that's why i don't earn the big bucks.

scooters is also incidentally the name of a coffee house, which to me is just plain wrong because any eating or drinking establishment that automatically makes me think of unmentionables in the restroom is disturbing and should be banished from the earth. my kid's book would say "no two scooters are not on fire..." thanks strongbad.

substance in this particular blog will be hard to come by, but the nonsensical is often that which is most freeing for me, so i share this personal liberation with you, friends. my random banter has been a frequent occurrence as of late, mostly thanks to the continual musings i have with my friend dylan over text messages. who knew that a form of communication that i shunned and mocked even just 5 months ago would be such a creative outlet for me? i certainly did not. i also got to thinking after recently watching the movie "the crow" that being an avid skateboard/(and in this case)scooter user would strengthen one leg and leave the other leg weak and hopeless, also making you eventually walk very lop-sided like. to clarify for my technologically advanced readers, we're not talking vespas or vehicles for the elderly here folks...i'm still awaiting good ol' back to the future hoverboards ...while in the mean time, i find myself running, and running, and looking forward to more running for prolonged periods of is strange indeed.


Igford said...

I'm curious... With these scooters you speak of. Is it possible to switch legs every so often in order to keep both legs strong?

shalinn said...

highly unlikely. why would you do a dumb thing like that? i for one prefer the lifestyles of lop-sided walkers, thank you very much.

Igford said...

Look Shalinn, nobody here is saying they don't like to walk lopsided now and then. That would be stupid because walking lopsided is both enjoyable and respectable. I'm simply asking if it is *possible* to switch legs on these scooters. I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking for a friend of mine.

kimberly said...

this post made me think of the time that Vivian had that chip in her tooth that controlled her moods via satellite. Or when Austin and Greta were stuck in that virtual-reality eden world with the snake lady. Or when Alli followed Carrie and Mike to Vegas to dress up like a dancer and spy on them.

thanks shal!