Wednesday, February 22, 2006

fat or thin? and true confessions

well, first thing's first....

i probably should issue a public apology to my roommate and good friend tiffany for plagiarizing her masterpiece theatre-esque writing ability and copying her fine work and posting it on my blog, not once, but twice. although i will not reveal any names, i will say that two strapping lads put me up to it after i told them that i hadn't blogged for a while due to a lack of creativity and original thought. and, i guess i should also admit that multiple people were involved in making sure that tiff's posts would receive more comments on my blog than on her own, and well, that plan clearly succeeded. i feel very blessed to have such deceitful friends :) i did think it was weird that tiff would openly admit (through her comments) that she thought her own writing was crap and that she would say of her own thoughts "what the hell?" but then again, if you can't look at yourself and think "what the hell?" you're probably taking yourself too seriously.

next true confession - i had a truffle shuffle concrete at sheridan's tonight and it was flippin' amazing. i am a huge fruit with chocolate combination fan, but blackberries and chocolate truffle chunkits in vanilla custard? bow wow. nice dish. bow wow, delish! bulge - is that you?!

now, on with the show.................................

so today i wore my glasses for the first time in quite a while. i have day & night contacts which last for a month, but since i needed to switch out my contacts, i opted to wear my classy spectacles today. a picture of me (obviously) is below.

now, there is not much to say - or so i thought, until my friend/coworker tim made some well, interesting observations, that i must open up for opinion. so, first thing this morning when i pick up a couple of his students, tim tells me that i look smart (and i was thinking, that's because i AM smart). that comment was perfectly understandable. however, at lunch today, tim makes the comment that my glasses make my head look bigger, no wait, not bigger he corrects, thinner. so which one do you think it is? he then of course tried to say something about how he noticed the sides of my hair more, whatever that means. so, check out my sides. what you do you think?

now, if he would've said that i was sexy with my glasses on, i would have number one, said "ya right" or "you know that's sexual harassment and i don't have to take it," but at least i could've agreed with his assessment. i mean, going along with the true confessions part of this post, i do have to admit that i kind of hoped to look sexy with the whole i'm wearing glasses with my hair pulled back and wearing a blazer thing. i mean, there's probably a lot of stripper acts that start out that way. well, if not a lot, at least the strip show i put on in my room every night starts that way. was that crossing the line? tiff wouldn't think so. and thus this post comes full circle, end scene.


kimberly said...

I wished I looked that hot in my glasses...
but even if I did...
mine are supposedly the same rx as my contacts, but with my glasses, I can't even read what I've written on the board and I have to make my kids tell me what it says.

Igford said...
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Igford said...

You plagiarized those last 2 posts? Are you saying those things never actually happened to you?

I feel duped, Shalinn. I feel duped and I'm angry about it. This must be how Oprah felt. I finally can say that I understand Oprah.

I can't believe you would blame 2 guys for putting you up to it. We all know you did it just to get on my book club.

On the plus side, your new glasses make you look like a nerd. But not in a dorky way. In a "sexy teacher" kind of way.

Anonymous said...

glasses are hot! be hard for anyone to pull off. but from those of us with perfect eye sight and can't even consider adding that accessory to the look, we say "you look damn sexy"....oh and at sheridans the razz dazzle is my fav. since its going to be 78 the next couple of days i think that might be breakfast lunch and dinner